Children are an integral and important part of our church family at Community of Hope. Our children’s events, activities and programs are fun, safe places for kids. It is our goal to provide growth with purpose for our kids.
Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
Mark 10:14

Our worship service is at 10 am. About 15 minutes into the worship service there is a children’s message. After that, children through 4 years old are welcome to participate in childcare in the nursery. All of our volunteers and staff are trained and background checked.
Vacation Bible School: Monday, July 10-Thursday,
July 13, 2023 from 9 am – 11:30 am
Each Summer at Community of Hope we have a blast learning about Jesus! Through crafts, songs, games, Bible stories, and treats we provide an over-the-top adventure for the children! Kids deepened their faith and learned more about Jesus. Our Vacation Bible School is planned with two goals in mind: 1) Spread the Good News to every child who enters our doors. 2) To encourage our campers to become Mission Minded Citizens.
If you’re interested in volunteering to help with Vacation Bible School, please email to sign up to help. Volunteers needed for leading station activities, leading walking groups, help with skits, songs, snacks, decorating and more!
Summer Kids Church at 10 am (Memorial Day through Labor Day)
Learn more about What’s in the Bible with Buck Denver! This curriculum will be taught by summer intern, Justin. Kids will start the worship service in the sanctuary with their families. Then, after the children’s message time up front they will be dismissed to head to Kids Church adventures with Justin! Your kids will learn more about what’s in the Bible through games, crafts, activities, videos, songs and more!
Children from Kindergarten through 5th grade can participate in summer Kids Church. There is childcare available for those younger. All of our volunteers and staff are trained, and background checked.
Don’t forget there is also summer breakfast before church at 9 am!
Children are an integral and important part of our church family at Community of Hope. Our children’s events, activities and programs are fun, safe places for kids. It is our goal to provide growth with purpose for our kids.
Click HERE to sign up for children’s ministry email newsletters for up-to-date information!
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Mark 10:14
Community of Hope offers a Sunday morning children’s ministry from September through May. We have one worship service at 10 am. About 15 minutes into the worship service there will be a children’s message, a time for kids to come forward for a few minutes to hear a special message designed for them. Then they can join their parents again, or kids are invited to head out for children’s ministry activities. Children from 3 years old through 5th grade participate in Kids Church Sunday School classes. Children under 3 years old have childcare available.
During Kids Church they experience age-appropriate lessons using Bible stories, music, crafts, and games. Kids Church is open to all children at any stage in their Christian education. Kids Church includes craft projects and games focused on Bible lessons. There are also snacks, music and worship time, birthday celebrations and loving teachers. All of our volunteers and staff are trained and background checked.
Kids Church at 10 am (Labor Day through Memorial Day)
Read Aloud Videos
We have a list of read aloud videos that have been created by one of our church members. He shares Bible stories, Magic Tree House tales, and non-fiction books about the moon, manatees, volcanoes, and more. Click HERE to see a list of all of them and watch with your family!
Quarterly, we host Family Fun Nights at the church. These nights are designed as events to invite families in the community, as well as an opportunity to provide fellowship for our church family. Typically, Family Fun Nights happen on a Sunday evenings. In the past, we have hosted the following Family Fun Nights: Passport to Prayer, Parent Night Out, Fall Festival, Bingo Night and more. A special tradition is the Advent Festival around Christmas. Families, or anyone who enjoys fun and holiday decorating, are invited to come enjoy an evening eating, making advent candles, and holiday wreaths.
Family Fun Nights
Note: The Kids & Youth choir is not currently meeting or practicing at this time.
Children, Kindergarten through 12th Grade, are welcome to join our HopeKidz Children’s Choir. We have two choir events a year. We have practices October through December which lead to the Christmas performance. For the Easter performance practices run February through Easter. We include all children willing to participate, so no tryouts or experience is necessary. We have a talented team of devoted coaches who take our children to a performance level choir. During the performance seasons HopeKidz Children’s Choir practices take place on Sunday mornings.
Voices of Hope Choir

Click HERE to sign up for children’s ministry email newsletters for up-to-date information!
Vacation Bible School
Each Summer at Community of Hope we have a blast learning about Jesus! Through crafts, songs, games, Bible stories, and treats we provide an over-the-top adventure for the children! Kids deepen their faith and learn more about Jesus. Our Vacation Bible School is planned with two goals in mind: 1) Spread the Good News to every child who enters our doors. 2) To encourage our campers to become Mission Minded Citizens.
If you’re interested in volunteering to help with Vacation Bible School during summer 2025, please email to sign up to help. Volunteers needed for leading station activities, leading walking groups, help with skits, songs, snacks, decorating and more!
Summer Kids Church at 10 am (Memorial Day through Labor Day)
Kids start the worship service in the sanctuary with their families. Then, after the children’s message time up front they can join their parents again, or they can join us for Kids Church! Your kids will learn more about what’s in the Bible through games, crafts, activities, videos, songs and more!
Children from Kindergarten through 5th grade can participate in summer Kids Church. There is childcare available for those younger. All of our volunteers and staff are trained, and background checked.
Don’t forget there is also summer breakfast before church at 9 am!
Kids Church at 10 am (Labor Day through Memorial Day)
Community of Hope offers a Sunday morning children’s ministry from September through May. We have one worship service at 10 am. About 15 minutes into the worship service there is a children’s message, a time for kids to come forward for a few minutes to hear a special message designed for them. Then the kids head out for Kids Church. Children from 4 years old through 5th grade participate in Kids Church Sunday School classes. Childcare is available for children under 4 years old.
During Kids Church kids experience age-appropriate lessons using Bible stories, music, crafts, and games. Kids Church is open to all children at any stage in their Christian education. Kids Church includes craft projects and games focused on Bible lessons. There are also snacks, music and worship time, birthday celebrations and loving teachers. All of our volunteers and staff are trained and background checked.
Read Aloud Videos
We have a list of read aloud videos that have been created by one of our church members. He shares Bible stories, Magic Tree House tales, and non-fiction books about the moon, manatees, volcanoes, and more. Click HERE to see a list of all of them and watch with your family!
Family Fun Nights
Quarterly, we host Family Fun Nights at the church. These nights are designed as events to invite families in the community, as well as an opportunity to provide fellowship for our church family. Typically, Family Fun Nights happen on a Sunday afternoon or evenings. In the past, we have hosted the following Family Fun Nights: Passport to Prayer, Parent Night Out, Fall Festival, Easter Experience, Bingo, and more. A special tradition is the Advent Festival around Christmas. Families, or anyone who enjoys holiday decorating, are invited to come enjoy a potluck, making advent logs, holiday swags and wreaths and a variety of children’s crafts.
Voices of Hope Choir
Note: The Kids & Youth choir is not currently meeting or practicing at this time.
Around Christmas and Easter time we have a children’s choir. Choir practices take place on Sunday mornings after church. Christmas choir goes from the end of October through December. And Easter choir takes place around a month or two before Easter. We have speaking parts and solos available to those who would like them! No try outs or experience necessary. The practices lead up to a performance a few weeks before Christmas and a week or two before Easter.